Monday, December 2, 2013

Lyme Academy College Hosts Nationally Recognized Artist & Author - Sarah Louden

Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts is proud to present nationally acclaimed artist and author Sharon Louden, who will give a talk and a book-signing at the College on Tuesday, December 10.  Louden will discuss her new book, Living & Sustaining a Creative Life: 40 Artist Essays at 7pm after a reception with wine and hors d'oeuvres at 6pm.  Louden's talk will take the form of a conversation when she chats with faculty in front of the audience before a question and answer portion open to all in attendance.  A book signing will follow.  Tickets are $10 per person.
A refreshing and honest look at the reality of sustaining a creative practice over time, Louden's book is already in its second printing - the first sold out almost immediately.  The book is a collection of essays from 40 artists who share their approach to juggling their creative lives with making a living.  All are unique stries with the same common thread of sustaining a creative life in and outside the studio.  "It's the truth of the day-to-day living that I am after in this book..." says Louden in the book's preface.  She continues, "The power of creativity does not just lie in an artist's work, but also  in how he or she continues to create regardless of the obstacles life places in the way."  Hear Louden share stories of sustaining a creative practice by turning obstacles into opportunities at this event.  Seating for this event is limited and by reservation only.  For reservations, contact Ann de Selding at 860.434.3571, ext. 117 or by email by December 5. 

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