Friday, July 22, 2016

Letter to the Madison Board of Selectmen re: Academy School Project


In light of the significantly revised business terms offered by the Town and lack of any meaningful progress over the past year, it is with great disappointment that Shoreline Arts Alliance announces it is withdrawing from the Academy School Cultural Arts Center Project.

SAA began this project nearly four years ago, in 2012.  The Board of Selectman, following the recommendation of the Academy Ad Hoc Committee, had just voted unanimously to retain ownership of Academy School.  Under the leadership of First Selectman Fillmore McPherson, the BOS was seeking a “new use” for Academy School – one that would allow the Town to continue to own the property and serve a community purpose, while respecting the bequest from Daniel Hand and preserving the architectural and historical significance of the building and its special location near the town green. Perhaps as important, the Town was looking for a new use that would limit the Town’s financial responsibility.  This was the context in which the Town engaged with SAA for a lease of the Academy School building. After a decade of deterioration, the Town agreed to be responsible for delivering the building in basic habitable condition (thereby capping the Town’s financial exposure) and SAA would be responsible for raising funds to renovate and develop the building into a cultural arts center.  Both sides were viewing the project as a long-term “partnership”, a partnership that would benefit everyone, including Madison’s downtown commercial center.  Two key elements to the partnership:  support from Town leadership and “time”. The Town understood that the project would require SAA, a small non-profit organization, to seek state grants, endowments and private and public funding, and over time bring the Academy School cultural arts center to life.
The context has changed. Madison’s First Selectman and majority members of the current administration no longer support the project.  And while SAA has worked tirelessly over the past nine months to re-establish a “partnership” with the Town, it finds it is losing ground.  Three weeks ago, upon receiving the Town’s revised business terms for the lease - terms that vary materially from the Letter of Intent between SAA and the Town, terms that were never discussed with or agreed to by SAA, and terms that SAA truly believes are commercially unfeasible for any party - it became clear to SAA that the project has reached a point of impasse. The struggle with the Town is depleting SAA’s resources and requiring time and energy that is better spent on forward progress.  Reluctantly, SAA is withdrawing from the project and will seek a new location for its cultural arts center.  

SAA would like to thank former First Selectman Fillmore McPherson, Selectpersons Joan Walker and Al Goldberg, Town Engineer Mike Ott, SAA’s Board of Directors, members and volunteers, and the hundreds of residents in Madison and surrounding communities who have supported the Academy School Cultural Arts Center Project.  We ask that you continue your support for SAA as it seeks a new home for its cultural arts center. 

Board of Directors of
  Shoreline Arts Alliance

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