Monday, March 24, 2014

Happy Bards-Day!

April 23 will mark the 450th birthday of William Shakespeare.  Worldwide celebrations will be taking place to recognize the world's greatest playwright and poet.  Did you know that Shakespeare coined phrases that we use daily - phrases like a laughing stock, dead as a doornail, fair play, neither here nor there, in stitches and many more?  A prolific writer, the Bard authored 37 full plays, 3 poems and 154 sonnets full of characters,  themes, and plots still  relevant today.  If Stratford-on-Avon is not in your immediate travel plans there will be many opportunities locally to help celebrate this giant of literature.  The Blackstone Library in Branford has several special offerings in April that are open to the public, both as audience and as participants.  On Saturday, April 12 from 2 - 4pm, Shakesperience Productions, Inc. will bring a special theatrical presentation of The Tragedy of Macbeth.  The presentation is free but seating is limited. Reservations are a must.  Then beginning at 12:00 Noon on Friday, April 25 the first annual 24-hour marathon read of select works from Shakespeare kicks off.  It will continue through Noon on Saturday, April 26.  During the day (weather permitting) this is a picnic-friendly event featuring volunteers who will read plays and sonnets outside on the grounds of the Blackstone Library.  Bring your blankets, lawn chairs and picnic baskets and enjoy the open air renditions of some Shakespeare favorites.  Evening readings will take place in the library.  Readers are still needed.  Readers are asked to sign up in 15-minute increments.  Sign ups can be individually or as a group.  Costumes and props are not necessary but are welcome. Hint: Don't worry about pronunciation.  Just come and have fun!  Help bring Shakespeare's words into the voices, bodies and imaginations of our Shoreline community in this first annual round-the-clock reading marathon.  Click here to sign up. 
Illustration by Jonathan Aruny

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