Monday, February 3, 2014

Call for Photographic Artists

                                                      Posing in Yellow                                         Paul Beckman
Shoreline Arts Alliance will be hosting the 33rd annual IMAGES photography competition and exhibition at the Guilford Art Center, 411 Church Street, Guilford CT.  This is a Call for Photographic Artists to submit portfolios on any of the following dates and times: Friday, March 28, 4pm - 8pm; Saturday and Sunday, March 29 & 30, 10am - 4pm.  Portfolios may also be mailed to Shoreline Arts Alliance but must be received by Thursday, March 27.  Guidelines and submission information and forms may be downloaded from our website.  This year's photograph for posters and other marketing efforts is titled Posing in Yellow by Paul Beckman of Madison, CT.  This was one of the photographs exhibited during IMAGES 2013.  The poster and Call for Entry design for IMAGES 2014 have been generously donated by Chris Hyde and Lane Cooper of Cipher Creative Group.

IMAGES celebrates the art of photography in its man aspects, formats and technologies and encourages excellence among photographic artists. IMAGES is the oldest annual, statewide, professionally juried competition and exhibition open to all Connecticut photographers. All photographers with a passion and dedication to photography as an art form are invited to submit work for consideration by a distinguished panel of professionals. Judges for this annual competition bring varying areas of expertise to the review of photography and have included educators, curators, photographers, critics and gallery owners.

This year's panel of distinguished jurors include: Adriana Teresa Letourney, Co-founder and Creative Director of FotoVisura, Inc.; William Meyers, Photographer and Writer on Photography who has regularly written for The Wall Street Journal; and Steve Smith, Associate Professor of Photography at Rhode Island School of Design.  Jurying Day is March 31 and the panel of judges will spend the entire day carefully reviewing and discussing the works of art submitted for this competition and selecting the works that will be on display and selecting the award winners for IMAGES 2014.  Four First Honors winners are selected and receive a $500 cash award.  Jurors may also choose to recognize other photographers with Honorable Mention.  One photographer is awarded the Ann Christensen cash prize of $250.

Ann Christensen (1925-2010) was Executive Director of Shoreline Arts Alliance from 1982 – 1994. Through IMAGES, which she was involved with from its inception and oversaw during her tenure, she became a true aficionado of fine art photography.  The only thing that Ann loved more than the photographs in IMAGES was the photographers that she came to know and nurture over the years.  Through her influence, photography throughout Connecticut was deeply enhanced.  In fact, many photographers since the early years have worked on and participated in IMAGES, in no small measure because of their fondness for Ann.  She knew the power of photography and specified that she would like this award to be given for a photograph that has lasting impact on the viewer.
For Guidelines and Call for Entry click here.  For questions email

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