Monday, February 3, 2014

Madison Art Society Presents Two Special Programs in February

A critique of artwork in the Madison Art Society Member's exhibit at the Scranton Library, 801 Boston Post Road, Madison, CT will take place on Sunday February 16 from 1:30-3:30 p.m.  The critique will be conducted by award winning artist and distinguished teacher Frank Federico.  Members volunteer works for review and critique thereby offering artists and non artists a unique learning opportunity. As Mr. Federico shares his response to selected works, members and the public gain insight into how a respected artist assesses the artistic elements of composition, color, light, texture and form.

Mr. Federico is the recipient of many well earned honors and awards.  He is a Master Pastelist in the Pastel Society of America and in 2012 was elected to the the PSA Hall of Fame.  He holds signature memberships in numerous art societies including the Connecticut Pastel society, Degas Pastel Society, National Watercolor Society and The National Society of Painters in Casein and Acrylic.  He conducts workshops domestically and abroad and is a sought after instructor. 

The Madison Art Society Member's Show is on exhibit February 2-28 in the community room.

 The Madison Art Society will present a lecture on Robert Henri: Dark Shadows on February 19, 2014, 6:30 - 8 p.m. at the Scranton Memorial Library, 801 Boston Post Road, Madison, CT.  The guest lecturer is noted educator at the New Britain Museum of American Art, Fred Biamonte.
Robert Henri, the leader of the "The Eight," was not only a prolific painter but also a highly respected teacher. He taught his students to ignore prevailing styles such as Impressionism and Academism. He preached tonality rather than colorist styles, and a technique of painting quickly, in a slashing manner, to capture the strength of the moment. His personal life was filled with secrets that were not revealed until after his death.  Psychobiographer Fred Biamonte will share with you some of his secrets.
Mr. Biamonte has given talks on more than thirty-five American and European artists, including Winslow Homer, Edward Hopper, Claude Monet, Norman Rockwell, John Singer Sargent, Henri Toulouse Lautrec, Vincent Van Gogh, and Andrew Wyeth. He previously taught organization behavior at New York University and in the Graduate School at Pace University. He is an educator at the New Britain Museum of American Art.

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